By Super User on Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Category: Company Blog

How Does Jail Management Software Perform Background Checks?

Are you wondering how jail management software conducts background checks in correctional facilities? It provides a means to manage, track, and improve security protocols and processes in a correctional facility.

At Justice Solutions, we develop technically advanced software to perform background checks in your correctional facilities. With each software installation, we strive to help and support you as long as you are our client. Here is more information on how prison management software performs background checks:

Screening Correctional Officer's Criminal History and Character 

Jail management software evaluates officers involved in crimes and those highly likely to increase or encourage crime in correctional facilities. If it obtains evidence that an officer has a history of drugs or gangs it creates a warning that the officer is not fit to work at your facility.

The corrections software assesses if an officer has discriminative tendencies towards a group of people. It may identify officers' beliefs about different groups to determine evidence of stereotypical views. Officers that hold stereotypical ideas against different groups, such as people of color, do not qualify to work in your correctional facilities. Such officers may discriminate against inmates from these groups, affecting their well-being.

Tracking and Monitoring Recidivists With Jail Management Software

When someone is arrested, prison management software reveals data about the person, including previous arrests, convictions of misdemeanors and felonies, and incarceration history. This helps you to learn more about the convict's behavior and what to expect. If an inmate has been arrested for the same crime several times, they are highly likely to repeat it. When a new convict is brought to prison for rape and they have served prison for the same crime again, then chances of re-offending can be observed.

Inmate management software allows criminal data to be transferred among correctional facilities. This helps to determine an inmate’s behavior patterns. The software evaluates if an inmate has been previously targeted by a gang or if they have issues with other prisoners. This information helps you to introduce new members to the facility safely. 

Examining the Emotional Status of Convicts

Prison management software used in correctional facilities detects convicts with anger issues and a high probability of being violent. This helps to separate violent inmates. The software displays an onscreen warning in case inmates are highly likely to start a fight or cause commotion in the facility. At Justice Solutions, we provide corrections facility management software that tracks convicts' emotional status and help you separate them if necessary. 

Evaluating Accuracy in Visitor Data

Prison management software detects any lies in data provided by inmates’ visitors. Anytime a visitor gets to your facility, they have to complete an application form. Some of the questions in the application include relationship to the inmate, criminal history, and address. Detection of any lies results in the denial of the request to visit.

Get Prison Management Software Today!

You need efficient prison management software to conduct inmates, correctional officers, and visitor's background checks. This promotes the safety of the inmates and all employees in the facility.

At Justice Solutions, we offer cutting-edge jail management software to provide background checks in your facilities. We provide continuing after-sale services. Contact us for your software today.

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